Taurus New Moon 21 April 2012

Taurus New Moon 21 April 2012

April 23rd, 2012

I was tempted to begin this new moon email with a gorgeous  flash of colour but this exquisite

photo from NASA of the EarthRise was far too tempting.  This Taurus new moon, our first

taste of earth on the astrological wheel of light is strong and beautiful and brings with it all

the qualities we need to see us through the wild ride of energies we’re all experiencing and

will continue to experience throughout 2012.   But even as I type this I am held by the grace

and exquisite beauty of our home planet and I know deep, deep inside of me that all is well

and all will be well!


There is no sign more determined that Taurus.  It represents the energy of life on the earth

plane and also Spirit in matter, the way we use matter to show our spiritual selves  I love

the earthy spirituality of my Taurus friends – rarely ‘woo woo’, they have a clear sense of

knowing that is seldom off-centre.  Almost too direct at times, they will move straight to the

heart of things ruffling my softer, idealistic Piscean sensibilities, always bringing me back

home to myself so I’m able to see things as they truly are.  We need their strength, their

perseverance and their directness and their courage, especially now.  After the Aries New

Moon cycle, this Taurus New Moon brings with it a reprieve, a calmness which strengthens

our ability to hold on….to wait awhile, to linger and take time to smell the roses. It asks us

to look within and see what it is that brings us comfort and a greater sense of security?  It’s

a good time to commit to our personal dreams and goals that express all the positive

qualities of the Bull.  Its  time to savour simple pleasures, of good food and enjoy those things

that move us deeper into the sweetness of nature and into our physical selves, our bodies.

What is it that makes you feel comfortable and secure?  What makes you happy and fulfilled?

It’s a wonderful cycle to re-evaluate our relationship with money and all those ‘things’ we

surround ourselves with – our possessions.  And your habits - do they serve your personal

needs for health and happiness, positively impacting your life, or are they limiting you in

ways which only need an intention, a tweek here and there to correct?  What of your routines

and rituals - do they empower or limit you?


Jupiter, the planet of luck and good fortune is also currently in Taurus and brings wondrous

opportunities, helpers and Angels.  Be brave,  step out there beyond your fears and ask for

what it is you want?  What would it take for your life to be even better than it is

nowA lot….or not so much?  Voice that, work with it!  In as much as I am sometimes

witness to the sadness and frustration moving through people’s lives, at the very core there

is such sweetness and vulnerability and a longing for deep, deep meaningful and

unimaginable change.  And it comes,  it always does – this I know for sure!  Sometimes

through the smallest decision, a willingness to ‘do’,  or the most unexpected, extraordinary

circumstance I see the transformation……..the emergence to something more and it’s

thrilling!  It really is about timing, of listening and following the signs even when you believe

there is absolutely nowhere else to go. It’s about doing the one thing you thought you could

never, ever do.  We are braver than we know,  you and me ….. and I am inspired by our

breakthroughs, however subtle, for there are many of them!


So this month I am going to leave you with my the last two lines of a beautiful poem -

The Summer Day,  by Mary Oliver……..



….tell me, what is it you plan to do

with your one wild and precious life?

How beautiful is that thought?  So tomorrow sometime, find a place outdoors that pleases

you, connect with the pulse, the heartbeat of our exquisite Pachemama and set your intentions, dream out loud if need be and embrace the loveliness of this new Taurus moon  …it’s for you!.




H o w  D i v i n e !

d i v i n e l y  i n s p i r e d  r e a d i n g s,  w o r k s h o p s  &

h e a l i n g  t h e r a p i e s

Johannesburg 084 600 7045 ~ phillippa.56@gmail.com


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