Aries New Moon

Aries New Moon

March 23rd, 2012


^  humility                ^  wisdom               ^  prayer                 ^  spirit                    ^   freedom



I wonder how you are all feeling as we approach the ‘wishing time’ of the Aries New Moon?


Astrologically there is so much going on right now, all of it moving us deeper into our journey

, shedding light on and clearing deeply ingrained patterns, opening us to new aspects of being.

Its always good to remember though, that these cosmic energies affect everyone and each of

us are impacted uniquely, based on our individual soul blueprint, our birth chart.  Our

awareness and level of consciousness will also shape how we respond to these energies – some

of us may feel blocked, angry and irritated, while others feel empowered and strong, forging

ahead with their lives.  But always, I have found that by just tuning in to what flows through

my emails, by reading and listening to those wiser than myself and opening my heart to spirit,

I am able to more easily navigate my way through my world and I am comforted by the fact

that others too, feel as I do at times.  I have discovered a wonderful blog, by a young man called

Lee Harris -  check him out -  he has the ability to encapsulate and interpret

so beautifully what’s moving “out there”.   After discovering him for the first time a few of months

ago, I found myself thinking “Hmmmmm, yes, I like this, I can relate to this”!


This new moon in Aries is intense.  It invites us to try something new.  It wakes us up and shifts

our perspective.  Aries is the baby of the zodiac - it is cheeky, brave and spontaneous.  It’s our

first taste of fire, within the twelve signs and it is intense because not only does it occur within

a day of the Equinox (today, the 21st), but it’s tempered by Mercury (planet of the mind and

communication) retrograde and a number of other really interesting alignments, so things

might be a little slow in gaining momentum.  Equinoxes bring a big energy shift so if you feel

tired, don’t push yourself, just allow your body to adjust to the earth changes and the

vibrational shift.  And rather than be intimidated by the fact that your mind is in reverse mode,

bring your awareness to any delays you may experience, your inability to focus and ‘do’ and

trust your inner knowing when trying to force an issue,  when all the signs are asking you to wait!

I’ve come to appreciate Mercury retrograde and look at this cycle in a totally different light.

Rest,  retreat,  re-assess, re-define and re-address and review issues that appear to be an issue.

And because we are still under the influence of the Virgo Full Moon, we’re able to bring order to

those areas of our lives that need it most.  There is much to said for organizing your day and

your time, however much you may resist the process – this is a big one for me,  but it’s the key

to remaining centred within the eye of the storm.  Mercury turns direct on the 4th April and we

have a beautiful Libra Full Moon on 6th,  carrying us through to the next cycle.  By 12 April,

there is real forward movement at last, with Mars, the planet of action, finally going direct after

3 long months.  The inner and outer aspects of ourselves should be clear,  ready for action.


So what to wish for, or  bring focus to on this Aries New Moon?  Keywords are

New beginnings ~ Self-focus ~ Innocence/authenticity ~

Independence and courage!

What successful new initiative would you like to bring to your life?   Do you need to finally stop

the habit of abandoning your boundaries in your relationships with others perhaps – where you

say ‘no’ and mean ‘no’?  Do you want to begin making powerful choices that are in your own best

interests, where you find yourself being absolutely authentic with others;  where you are able

to let them know what you are exeriencing inwardly, in a kind, non-blaming way?  What about

having the courage to be yourself, in all your relationships, no matter what?  And to take the

odd risk, trusting yourself more, being filled with the sweetness of self-discovery in areas of

your life you never imagined possible.  How divine would that be?


And so I leave you with a beautiful prayer from one of my favourite authors, Maggie Hamilton,

from her book “Coming Home“…… on busyness and becoming still!  I opened the book

randomly, so I share this with you….


“O, Great Spirit, help me to remember that what I am is of far greater importance than what

I do.  Help me to recognise also, that nothing is more important than my wellbeing, because

the more whole I am, the further I am able to travel on my life’s quest.


In the stillness of each day, help me to shed all those things that do not serve

my life’s purpose so that I too can gain lightness of being.  In all that I undertake,

help me to go about my work with love and in-sight, so that I can infuse the dark 

places in my life with the Light of the Sacred.


And when I am overwhelmed, or fearful, help me to to simply deal with what is immediately

in front of me and to hand the rest back to you. 


Thank you for this day of my life, this moment and for all the opportunities it will bring”


And so it is!


May love find you and soften the shape of your life, bringing hope and the joy of possibility to

all that you do. I send you love and the sweetest blessings.




H o w  D i v i n e !

d i v i n e l y  i n s p i r e d  r e a d i n g s,  w o r k s h o p s  &   h e a l i n g

t h e r a p i e s

Johannesburg082 600 7045 ~


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