another wife left holding the baby

another wife left holding the baby

April 09th, 2012

i know that when women get that monogomy doesnt work we will have evolved and done

ourselves a big favour to enable future dealings with the opposite sex to be more of a success.

and even tho i know this and have promised myself that once it sinks in my future relationships

will be more fullfilling and less painful. today my friend told me how she walked in on her

husband having sex with another woman, he jumped off the woman looked at his wife then

climbed back on the woman and carried on. she said she had opened the door, seen them

together and got such a shock she closed the door and waited a few minutes, but they carried

on as if nothing had happened!

if that has ever happened to u, you’ll know the feeling. its kind of like your insides being pulled

out your stomache and then shoved back in again whilst your heart races in your head as u

try to move your legs and run. but nothing works, including your brain.

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